So I mentioned I had a chance to visit Peden in 1999 when I was in Germany on business. A co-worker of mine (also former military) took a drive from Heidelberg over to Wertheim. I knew the post had been shut down but I really didn't know what to expect. Most buildings were run down, barracks being used as refugee housing (In broad daylight I was a bit nervous just being inside old Bravo battery), formerly manicured fields overrun by trees and weeds, trackpark cracked and overgrown, PSP abandoned etc. The photo at left is of the 3/35 PT field - that's Alpha and Bravo Batteries in the background. As you can see the field is fully overgrown. Some of the other sights I remember being surprised to see - the 1SG office in Bravo Btry had been converted to a latrine. The PSP gate was hanging open - obviously there was nothing inside anymore but it was still strange to see. I got an email from someone who visited after me so I'll post some of his comments and a pic soon.
Hello Mark. I was absolutely stunned when i came across your site here about Peden Barracks. I was stationed here from June fo '88 till July of '90 @ HHB 72nd FA BDE. I just recently visited Wertheim & Peden back in August for the first time in 16 years. I have some decent photos of Werthime if your interested but none of Peden. I absolutely loved my time @ Peden Barracks and miss Germany very much.
Thanks TK - would love to see your Wertheim pics. Mark
Hello Mark,
Kermit Forbes here.
85-88 Bravo battery 3/35 FA.
Just Wanted to say hello to all.Have lots of Photos from Peden,will try to post some here.
2006 visit to Germany
After 40 yrs I finally returned to
Germany and of course the question
is why not sooner?Anyway, I got off
the train and confirmed by feelings
about the beauty of Wertheim.Then I
proceeded up the hill on the sent-
imental trip to my old post Peden Barracks.The MP bldg has been remodeled but I still could make it out.I took photos of the front gate, arch, commemoration rock, and 72nd F/A, Grp.HHB(home away from home).Also, 3/35 bldgs are still intact. As shown by Mark's photo the 3/35 PT field is now covered with trees and bushes.It was sad experience to see
the empty barracks when at one time
it was an active army post.Although
time has moved on but it would not
erase those memorable times at Peden Barracks.It is very likely
that I would not be returning and
so I want to sign off by saying,"
Aul wierdersehen lieb freund".
Hello I thought I would comment, having lived there for two years myself, 3/35 barracks always looked a little run down. 4/27, my husbands unit had the nice new barracks.
I was a supervisor at the shoppette on post so I got a chance to see most everyone there.
We left in 1991 as the post had started moving.
I must say it was a beautiful place to be. I would love to visit it again.
S. Davis
Thanks for the posts.
Charging Charlie 3/35 1975-77.
I was the commo chief.
I got there in feb. They had just moved back into the barracks after being remolded.
Greg Hampton
Lindale Ga.
Greetings Mark - Came across the site actually looking for a school loan.
Cpl Fierro, B Btry - 3/35FA
88-92 - 1sg Lettinhand, and 1sg Ezell Robinson. Everyone the the whole Battlion should remeber him! I have pics as well to dig up and hope others will post as well.
Little history of the 3/35th PT
field and other information Peden
Barracks, Wertheim, Ger.
Once upon time there were nice ten-
nis courts at that location and
not surprising no one used them.
Also, no physical training in our
unit(72nd F/A) until there was a
change in command and then we ran
a fair distance to the ammo dump
area and back in combat boots.If
my recollection is correct we
went to the firing range once during my service tour(about l7mos) to fire the following weapons: M-l4, M-60, 50 cal.,M-80 and the log.Not sure why but that was it.
Hello Mark, I have been searching for old pictures of the base for a bit now, my father was stationed over there along with my mother and I from about 1989 til 1991, my little sister was born over there as well. I attended the elementary school, yeah pretty young, but loved it and I still miss Germany very much. Hope one day I can revisit the many places we came to love over there one day.. thanks for the pictures!
I was there from 87 to 91 as an MP w/3rd platoon 212 MP Co. We barracked on the 2nd and third floor of 72 FA BDE HQ.
"on time, on target" as I recall the motto.
Great times. Every summer the German American Fest was a lot of fun.
I was at Peden from 1978 to 1981 and was the pharmacy tech at the 269th Medical clinic. I sure would love to go back and visit. I loved my time in Germany and Wertheim.
Leo Sullivan
Hey Mark,
I was stationed there from 1988 to 1990 in B Btry 3/35. I also have some photos that I should get to you. I do remember 1st Sgt Robinson - that guy was loud!
Spec Mike Keating
Peden Barracks (1984-1989) brings back memories of Col Raymond Roe, and the ranger runs we did every Friday evening through the back gate. That man ran so much,that one day his dog died while running with him. fond memories!
C Btry 3/35 FA
Hey Mark, I was stationed there ,on the hill,1984-1989. See he pictures brings back memories of Col Raymond Roe, and the ranger runs we did every Friday evening through the back gate. That man ran so much,that one day his dog died while running with him.Although I was a 82c,I was also the unit armorer for C Btry,3/35 FA.
Nice to find your page. I kind of grew up on Peden Barracks, SVC BTRY (although assigned to C btry), 3/35th FA, 1989 - 1992. I did get to see the transitition from 8" guns to M109 Howitzers. I did get to serve in the 3rd ID in Italy and Turkey. Would like to reconnect with the men I served with, Mike Helvey, David Rochon, Shelton Ashley, Mike Bubb, and the rest orf the bad ass mechanic's that kept the deuce and a half's stopping during reforger and graf. Hope all is well brothers. John Sostak, johnsostak@mac.com
Hay you guy, I was stationed there in 1976-77, Do anybody remember the 71st avaition group..I was lucky I was in both...3/35 FA. I was in Commo. One day I would love to go back.
What great memories i have of "the hill", the best two years of duty was at Peden. I've forgotten alot of names but the faces are still fresh in my mind. As a Bravo Bty soldier from '86-'88 i remember the 1st SGT and his "write home and tell mama to sell the shithouse!" And who could forget challenge PT on tuesdays. I met one of my best friends ever on the hill, if anyone knows of his whereabouts please ask Cody Foster to email SPC Burkey sbcidman782@gmail.com Forward Always! Scott Burkey B Bty 3/35 FA '86-'88
I was in the 71st Aviation Company (AH) from 76 - 80. Best unit I ever served in during my entire career, and Peden Barracks/Wertheim were the best locations I ever had! I just sent in a few images so hopefully you'll see more of those years in the future. Glad to find this site!
I was stationed in Peden Barracks from 1987 to closure. I was working as a commo soldier at HHB 72D FA BDE. I got married had two kids and still have friends who still live Wertheim. I miss the old days.
Thanks for the memories
I worked in the 3/35 dining facility from 1984-1987. I had a great time in a great little community. "Didn't hurt that I worked with a guy whose father in law was the master brewer @ the Spessart Brewery." Little Heidelberg was a lot of fun and I absolutely enjoyed germany better the second time around. SFC Stuart B. Stout (Retired)
Finding this site was so nice! It brought back some of the nicest and sad memories of my life. I served with Alpha Battery 3/35thFA from 1983-1986. My Company Commander was Cpt. Vernon Crocker and my 1SG was Larry Damron. What a nice flood of memories this site brought back. How I wish I could go back and relive them. If any knows of anyone that was in my company during that period I would appreciate getting in touch with them! My name is Sheridan Franklin and I was a Sp4 at the time and my MOS was 17C. Here is my email address: sheridan4sharon@gmail.com If anyone has any pictures of Peden Barracks during 1983 to 1986 please send them to me...THANKS
I was in the 71st Avn. from 1974 to 1979, I worked in Avionics. I am also in contact with Bill Wallingford. I really like it there, Anyone remember SCRATCH, Or Capt, Young, Maj.Handy, I went to the states for a couple years then had to come back to the 48th Avn. in Nellingen. Email me if you wish, Would like to hear from you.
phil mullins i saw your name i was in the 71st ava supply .eric .sgt heimerick my e garywaldrop74@yahoo.com
Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. I was an I-HAWK missile crewman from 1978-1979 with D/6/52 ADA. I remember the arch, the marble floors, the march to the missile site and the rampant drug abuse amongst my peers. Had no idea when it was closed, just that it was closed. I recall reading its history as a Luftwaffe base and refugee center after WW 2. No great desire to return, only to
recall where I've been,
Robert A. James
Fort Worth TX
Whow, This site sure does bring back memories. My dad was the 1st Sargent of 72nd Field Art. William Rogers 76-79yrs. I had alot of good times. I love the Oct. fest in downtown Wertheim, Guest houses and all the men in Uniforms. Sure did get into alot of trouble though. Have changed alot but all the good times sure does bring a smile to my face.
hey mark I was there from 1977/1980
we were c-tab 2/25 then thay changed are name to b-tab 2/29 FA we spent most are time flashing rounds for the gun btrys down in graff. peden was grate then so was op 4 in graf. are mos was 17c10 FO OP
hey mark I was there from 1977/1980
we were c-tab 2/25 then thay changed are name to b-tab 2/29 FA we spent most are time flashing rounds for the gun btrys down in graff. peden was grate then so was op 4 in graf. are mos was 17c10 FO OP john v berry
Hello Mark: Just this week my husband and I met old friends that were neighbors at Peden Barracks in 1959-1962. Husbands were in 67/Arty. We lived in the quarters at the top of the hill. Could look out our window and see a woman plowing a potato field with her oxen team. What a sight! She sold us fresh potatoes. Wertheim was a delightful place to live. Glad to find your site and photos. We have been back only once in 1986. Sad to see the post so run down. Many happy memories there.
It is so good to read that so many people have nice things to say about Peden Barracks and Wertheim. My Grandmother worked at the Rec Center for 25 years . Maybe some of you remember her, her name was Frau Dietrich. Sadly she passed on a few years ago.
1984-1986 C 3/35 FA Sgt Swafford.
I remember Col Roes dog dying on the battalion run, he used to run us to death every Friday. Was really impressed with his going away speech about Viet Nam when he left. Great leader.
The best leader and inspiration I ever knew had to be 1SG Robert C Smith. I would have put my life in his hands in any situation.
I will never forget the Bierhaus and Woodstock, and the tower with the cognac and strippers half way down the hill. Brings back some old memories.
good 'ol Col. Roe.
Heart attack hill and his runs
waiting on top of the hill waiting for the catch-up's doing Extra P.T.
Thanx for the memories
A 3/35 84-85
My name is thomas Harrington, I was stationed there from 1986-1989 SVC BTRY 3/35th I recently retired and now work as a DAC I remember the Wertheim memories Woodstock, the bierhaus and the whole thing. anyone remember the way the Locals would get scared when the M88's would roll up the hill from the railhead? write me if you wish thomas.harrington@arcent.army.mil would love to hear from others stationed there, I need my company commanders name in 1988 SVC BTRY 3/35 if anyone remembers his name.
Wow...what a difference 45 yrs makes! Stationed at Peden Barracks with 'A' Bty 3rd/35 arty, from Jan. 1964 to Sept.1967. I stayed put while everyone else volunteered for Vietnam. Would love to see more pictures if anyone has them to post.
Ken Kanvin
Served with HHB 1/67th ADA (Nike) at Peden Barracks from Aug '67 till Oct '69 when the unit was disbanded.
Best tour I ever had in over 21 years. Enjoyed the post, the town and the surrounding country side.
Mark, thanks for the memories.
I had some great times during my stint at the 71st Aviation Co. as a Crew Chief. I was there from 1977-79. Hey Gary, how the heck have you been man! We sure had some great times. Would be nice to visit the ol' stompin' grounds again. I did see it on the news back in 90s when they closed the base there. pault1958@gmail.com
Hello everyone who had the, what i would call pleasure of being stationed on Pedan Barracks. Loved it there 1981-1983 Bravo Battery. For those of you who have commented on Col.Roe. I was battalion c.q. runner the night he arrived and can remeber him asking me if i had ever ran the Boston Marathon, because he had asked where i was from. That man liked to run. would like to hear from anyone who was stationed there at the same time or any other fellow Vets. take care Cpl. Bart D.cosin e-mail ybbart@yahoo.com
Thanks for the flood for memories! I too miss those days, Spec 4 Tom Bush present and accounted for if only in thoughts. 1SG Robert C Smith was my 1SG also 83-85, wonder what happened to him. I remember Coronal Roe and the Ranger runs too but afterwards it was off to the class six store for takeout and then down town for a great Friday night events. I really want to get back there one more time too just to say good bye to the old place. Sure would like to hear from any of the old guys that served with me.
I was stationed at Peden Barracks from June 1987- june 1990 HHB 72 FA Bde. Awesome memories! Good times in downtown Wertheim!
3-35 FA Feb 76-Mar 79. SVC BTRY Ammo officer; AXO and XO Btry C. Commanders George Jones and Ed Durham.
Great time. Revisited Wertheim in 2001 when stationed in Stuttgart. Bunch of Ruskies living there now.
Still looked the same for the most part.
Still looking for Col Howerton, Major Al Reich, Jan Karsch, Ed Durham. A couple captains reached two stars. pinhighgolf@hotmail.com
I too was stationed at Peden Barracks from 88' til 90' with HHB 72nd FA Bde...my name is Lynn Hawkins...i saw where Abisai Padilla commented....my email is imight68@yahoo.com would like to get in touch with him thanks
Lynn Hawkins here.i was stationed at Peden Barracks from 88 til 90 with HHB 72nd Fa Bde would like to get in touch with others there...imight68@yahoo.com
Heh Mike this is Daniel Clinker. I was stationed in Alpha Btry and I am pretty sure we went to basic trng together in the summer of 88
HEY! I was there too. 1st and 67th when it was breaking up. Right across from EM club. memories of uso club and photo developing with Gerd. Spent all my free time there. nickels for knowledge nites. saw the green berets there. woodstock happened while there.
remember beer/food/and 40 mark park!!
I am Dave Beckwith and I was the Gunnery Sergeant for C Battery 3/35th from 1987 to 1990. It was my privilege to work with 1SG Cook, SFC Dodge, SFC Bass, SSG Powell and many other great leaders. I am planning a trip back to Peden in the upcoming months. We had some great times, but I don't miss Graf in the winter.
i was stationed there from 1980-1983 a btry was so much fun great memories the bar downtown eating yagarzithile and bratts on fri the tower restraunt eating buger with saorcraut,dated 2 sisters one name yemgod and anaite.when i was medvated out of iraq in 07 when i got hurt i wanted to try and go to wierthime but was no go memories
Hey anybody out there, know of david young, and joe hodge. i was stationed their in 1971-1974. I'm david brown, and was a crew chief on the UH. If any body knows me hit me a line. My wife e-mail she'll relate the message robertabrown65@gmail.com
was stationed there in 71-74. any body knows david young or joseph hodge. my name is david brown and was a crew chief on the uh. hit me a line of my wife's email robertabrown65@gmail.com
I see a lot of pots from the 70's & 80's. Anyone left out there from the mid 60's ? Was stationed there A Btry 3/35, 65-67.
i was on the hill from 1979 to 1982.i was a cook at the mess hall was assined with 3/35/fa bravo and charlie company lot of good times and drank alot of beer trips down the hill were great out of the back fence coming back up was always a challange being shit faced any one remeber the club called the rock
my name is pat donnally from alaska still have my sham card peace with in to all who served with pride you are not forgotten
I Served at A 3rd 35th FA from 1975 to 1978 our battery commander was Cpt. Kelly on my off duty time enjoyed traveling all over the Werthiem area and going to the Burblick for a jagar snitschel and beer. like to return one day and have a look
Hello Redlegs! My name is Bob Urban and I was the Motor Sergeant for B Btry 3/35th FA from 1980-1982. I loved it there especially walking the medieval trails out the back gate.
Hello Mark
Thank you for having this blog. As I read the comments, I came across a few names that I recognized. I was station at Peden Barracks from 87 to 90, first with HHB 72nd Bde and then B Btry 3-35 FA. Those were the best times of my military service. While there I met some great people: SGT Ellington, SGT Henson (Heavy D), my loud PLT SGT Robinson, CPL Kenny (he later become my Gunner at our new duty station), SPC Justin, SPC Rock, SPC Malefant, SGM Beaver, CPT Cantrell, 1SGT Hill and many more. Can't forget those ALERTS...How I hated them! In 2006 my family and I visited Peden Barracks. It was sad to see 3-35 and HHB barracks empty.
"On Time-On Target"
SGT Marquez
paul benson
i served in 'c'tab 2/25th from 3/71 tp 4/72 and really enjoyed it there eating at the burblick and does anyone know if the Rosshaus was around after i left. some great schnitzel there.
paul benson
hello mark i was at peden from 3/71 to 4/72 with 'C'TAB 2/25th. i was the supply truck driver and worked in the processing van and i loved it there. does anyone know if the "Rosshaus" stayed open after i left. the best schnitzel i've ever eaten.it was located up the road to the right as you left post.
Anyone remember a SSG Dooley in the 80s? Im his step daughter and dont remember what his battalion was but I think he was in Bravo. Im in search of some info on the school and a teacher there in Peden at that time. If anyone can email me at Mistylobrano3312@hotmail.com that would be great. Thanks
My name is Robert Whirley, I was stationed at Peden Barracks from Jan 84 to Jan 87.
Stationed at Peden Barracks late 80's. Raymond T Roe ran us every Friday in those ranger runs. Through the back gate to the front gate and had us in Grafenwöhr almost every three months.
Anthony Jeffrey
I was stationed here from June 68 to Jan. 69. Left for Nam
Duty. Great memories. My name is Guadalupe (Wally) Lopez from Weslaco,Tx. Looking for buddies, rangel, Salgado ,centeno, rodriguez, dominguez
I was stationed there from June 1968 to Jan. 1969. Me and Dominguez volunteered for Nam. Looking for buddies
Rangel, Salgado,Centeno, Rodriguez. Great memories from the hill.
My name is Wally Lopez from RGV, I was there June, 68 to Jan. 69. Looking for Dominguez who volunteered with me for The Nam. Also looking for Rangel, Salgado, Centeno, Rodriguez, great memories.
My ex husband is Bob Larsen. He was a 1st Lt at the time. We arrived at Peden in '82. B btry 3/35. I believe Cpt Ahnen (?) was there. Cpt Henderson was there when we left. Some of my neighbors were Larry/Rhonda Rafferty. The Gagnons. Rita Knopf (her husbands name? I believe he was a chief warrant officer. I remember the Simmons, I believe. Marty and Dot Gordon (MP). Mark, you got there before we left. Oh my word, I have pics of people at my kids' birthday parties and names escape me
Sorry we got to Peden in 1984. Chiqeeta Ritter (Larsen)
Hey Mark,
Ray Quintanilla here. I was stationed at Peden Barracks from 84-86. I have very fond memories of the Hill and those Friday Ranger runs with Col. Raymond T. Roe. I believe one special Friday General Rodgers (i think) 7th corps ran with us and referred to us as being the most fit alcoholics in the army! I recall our mascot a dog dying after a run.. I also recall his daughter running with us. The beer house downtown was our local hangout.. I plan to visit Germany in the next couple years...made some really good friends there like Mike Pelham..I thought he did a European out. another name Philpot i think.
I was there from 87-89. Cpl. George Coleman would love some pics sent
Stationed there from 58-61.HQ 3/35. Visited in 1992 and was surprised to see the 3/35 still in same barracks. We were tracked these were towed. Great time there an an 18 yr old kid.
Stationed there 58-61. 3/35 was home for 2 years. Great place to be stationed. Walked up the hill many a night. We had 11pm curfew during the week 12pm on Saturday.Visited in the early 90s and same company in the same barracks. Had great flashbacks
71st Avn. Co. motor pool supply 75 & 76. Loved having my on jeep for parts scrounging. If the Germans had ever caught me doing some of my off road adventures they would have probably shot me. Funny part couldn't wait to finish my active duty, but when I got back to Minnesota I joined the reserves and became a 67V and then 67N go figure. Never stop loving the stick time I used to get in the OH58's & the UH-1's serving in Minn.
I was with HHB 3-35thFA In 1982-83. I see some posts about LTC Roe's dog dying on a BN run that had to happen in 1983 because i remembered that clearly. he always had his 2 dogs running with us out the back gate by the hawk missle sites.I made Many good memories and friends (US @ German).Sad to see the base and surrounding grounds are all built up but that's life i guess.
I was with C3-35thFA In 1979-81, Commo section.
Hey Sgt Beckwith. Dave McGahan here, I was gun driver and # 2 cannoneer for 5th section. Will never forget the great people I had the chance to serve with. Ya,graf in winter sucked.
b battery 29th from 79-81 took the keg from the officers club in 81 on police call and had keg parity .
I served as a Battalion S-1 then the HHB battery commander at 3/35 under Ltc Roe then later LTC Robert Dudley. I was stationed at Peden Barracks from 1983-1987. Yes, Roe was a crazy runner and killed his dog. It was worse for officers assigned to him who had to run 10 mile runs up hills every single day for morning PT. I think we were more physically prepared than any of our cold war opponents, LOL. I loved living in Wertheim and frequently attended the local Gsthauses and weekend parties downtown. Me and my wife bought Eurorail passes and backpacked all over Europe while we were there. Peden Barracks has a lot of secrets, too. It was a Luftwassen training base during WWii and since it was on top of a hill, the planes would take off through runways built inside the hill and disappear through the fog. There were serveral tunnels which we were aware of underneath the barracks which we could not assess due to booby traps.
I was with the 1st of the 67th from January 1965 through June 1966 and worked in the S1 Section with Sgt Maj Leon Turcott. Had some wonderful times in Wertheim and Peden Barracks. I also worked with SPC Matt Glasgow, who I understand died a couple of years ago. Hopefully I'll return someday and wander around a little. Wertheim was a great little town. Would love to hear from some of my buddies from those days, Dave Staton, Michael Pearlman.
I was stationed there Jan.86 to Oct.87 C-btry 3-35. I remember our dog "Lady" and the Sargent major asking Top Smith for permission to inspect the barracks. Section dogs Rodney Sampson and Lemuel David Welch. My drinking buddies Pistolhead Pete (Paul Peterson) and Red Smith I think his name was Glen. Ol Sgt. Haner breaking his foot on a run and wearing a cast on reforger. My name is Terry L. Evans I was on gun six. 8 inch Forward Always.
Hey, my name is Brian Mcclendon, im pretty sure we were in svc 3/35 on the ammo platoon, I'm pretty sure i helped you move when you pcs'd to k-town
My grandfather was stationed there from 1955-1958 - Captain John "Tom" Sanders. My father lived there during those years (he was only 4 years old when they arrived) and remembers sledding in the snow. Thanks for leaving comments about your experiences - it makes me feel closer to him.
My grandfather was stationed there from 1955-1958 - Captain John "Tom" Sanders. My father lived there during those years (he was only 4 years old when they arrived) and remembers sledding in the snow. Thanks for leaving comments about your experiences - it makes me feel closer to him.
My grandfather was stationed there from 1955-58. I think his rank was Captain during those years - John "Tom" Sanders. I've enjoyed reading the comments - makes me feel closer to him to hear about where he was stationed in the Army.
Spc. Sean ilagan looking for Hawkins And Padilla From HHB 72nd. FA. Bde. Motor pool. Email me at onebuffshark@yahoo.com
Stationed at HHB72 FA BDE from 1987 to 1990. E-mail is abypad1931@gmail.com Looking for Lynn Hawkins, Danny Keough, Daniel Latimer.
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