Dear Mark,
While surfing on the internet I came across your website. I was pretty amazed that people in the States are still emotionally attached and thinking about Wertheim alot. But being married to a veteran I know that the military time is a very special one in your life. Last week I happened to be in Wertheim. I could take some pics and thought I would share them with you. It seems like that the city has put a lot of effort into cleaning the former barracks district up because it didn't seem to fit your description from 1999. One building is now used as a temporary school building while the one in Bestenheid is restored, there are several new shops like a bakery, a pharmacy, grocery stores... Some buildings are used by the German police school including the former chow hall. Some buildings are used by local companies and also shelter the kids of Wertheim in their spare time. Furthermore the former housing area is totally renovated and sold to private individuals and several new town homes have been built.
I hope you enjoy the pics. If you want to you can post the pics on your website.
God bless the United States!
Kindest regards
Mrs. John
I was stationed in Peden Barracks from 87 to 89. I was with A-Btry 4/27 FA. These were some of the best times of my life and would not change them for anything. This particular picture reminds me of the Headstart class. The classrooom was right above the archway. Thank you for taking your time to post a pic on this blog.
Gary Morales
Winter at Peden.
What a wonderful pic of a signif-
icate landmark on the post.I remem-
ber playing in the snow and wearing
the winter gear, a cap(the type worn by Gen.Ridgeway in Korea)heavy
fatigue jacket and gloves making my
way to the nearby snackbar for the
piping hot coffee and donuts.Yes,
there is great attachment to Peden
by those who served there.We had
a purpose of being there and that
was enough for me.Also, it was an
attractive post on the hilltop
overlooking quaint town of Wertheim, medieval castle and Main,
Tauber rivers.As one gets older I
think there is more appreciation
of the time when we served our country.
I was in HHB from 85 to 88. No doubt we met somewhere...nco club, "woodstock" graf. Battalion commo.4/27..love the pics.i have a box full...mike heffner
Oh I love that I just happened to come across this site! I can see my barrack room window in with this picture. And yes..the headstart classroom =)
I was there from 84 to 86. Special time and memories! Especially since its where I met my husband!
E. Mitchell
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