Well looks like a few folks have stumbled into the 'ol Peden Blog and are dropping me some pics. Got a great set today from the early 60s - roughly '61 to '63. They come courtesy of Allen Seich, who also credits Winston Mitchell, Woody Fountain and Keith Wagenhauser for some of the pics. No stories from them (yet) but some great pics huh? We'll get some more of these up soon.
These photos were taken just a bit
before my time at Peden Barracks
but I definitely can say that they
were the best of times;ex.4 marks
to the dollar,little traffic on the
autobahn and laid back attitude
at least in our unit(72nd Arty Grp.
HHB).Note, I have viewed other won-
derful pics.of Peden Barracks, and Graf.The accompany remarks are insightful and funny .I really like the photo of the train about to depart from Wertheim(Seich going home).Just guessing to catch a ship from Bremenhaven to Brooklyn.
My uncle command sargenat major Leon Turcott was in Wertheim, Germany from around January, 1965 through (I believe) Spring,1966. We were in, the 1st Missile Battalion 67th Artillery, in Battalion Headquarters. they were in the S-1 section there, which included theAdjutant, Sergeant Major, the Courts and Boards Clerk, Message Center Clerk,and someone who did communications work, photography and such - I forgetthat exact title. Then, of course there was the Battalion Commander and theExecutive Officer. my uncle reported to the battalion commander was aLt. Col. Pinneau, but I forget his first name. The XO was a major, but I foget his name completely. his adjutant was Captain Charles Johnson, and when he left, he was replaced by Captain Ronald Howard. my uncle, of course, was command Sergeant Major. ,the courts and boards clerk was a Specialist Gray, but I'm afraid I forgethis first name. The information fellow was a Matthew Glasgow. As I recall,that was the extent of the S-1 section let me know if anyone knows any of the above officers.
My uncle command sargenat major Leon Turcott was in Wertheim, Germany from around January, 1965 through (I believe) Spring,1966. We were in, the 1st Missile Battalion 67th Artillery, in Battalion Headquarters. they were in the S-1 section there, which included theAdjutant, Sergeant Major, the Courts and Boards Clerk, Message Center Clerk,and someone who did communications work, photography and such - I forgetthat exact title. Then, of course there was the Battalion Commander and theExecutive Officer. my uncle reported to the battalion commander was aLt. Col. Pinneau, but I forget his first name. The XO was a major, but Ifoget his name completely. Our adjutant was Captain Charles Johnson, andwhen he left, he was replaced by Captain Ronald Howard. Your uncle, ofcourse, was command Sergeant Major. ,the courts and boards clerk was a Specialist Gray, but I'm afraid I forgethis first name. The information fellow was a Matthew Glasgow. As I recall,that was the extent of the S-1 section let me know if anyone knows any of the above officers.
Crossing of the Altantic Ocean on a troopship(USS William O.Darby).
We got off to a great start with a
band(army?)playing during the boar-
ding.This ship looked huge and it
was chore walking up the long ramp
with a duffel bag in tow and down
into the belly of the ship.After
departing from the Brooklyn pier
we were told to go on the deck to observe the Statue of Liberty
and it was definitely a sad and
respectful moment.Whew,the cross-
ing of the Altantic Ocean was
unreal, stormy most of the way ex-
cept for the English Channel which
was surprising calm and clear. The
sighting of the white Cliffs of
Dover was wonderful but it
didn't match the excitement of get-
ting off the ship at the Port of
Bremerhaven.I'm happy to say that
after completing my service tour
that I returned back to the states
on a chartered flight from Rhein-
Main to McGuire AFB.Stationed at
Peden Barracks with the 72nd F/A.
Life in the barracks(Peden)
Where should I start?Noise factor
was almost tolerable,two factions
soul vs country.Not a fan of either
and the volume was over the top.
Also, we had couple of guys who would fight at the drop of the
hat.I sort of got used to the
guys coming in late(KP,Guard Duty)
and banging their metal lockers.
It was difficult to sleep with sag-
ging bunk springs and not about to take it up the chain of command. Otherwise it was pretty normal.On several occasions I took the commuter train to Wurzburg on weekends and rented a bedroom from a family just to get some decent sleep.I loved the 'comfy' bed and
appreciated the night cap.I really liked Wurzburg. a good size city with university.Life in the barracks was certainly an unforgetable experience.
I.G.Inspection(Peden Barracks).
The General is coming!This was
enough to scare the 'willies'
of any soldier.While on leave to
Garmisch-Partenkirchen I was ordered to return immediately for the I.G.This was serious business.
We were busy cleaning, polishing
and even hiding things.It had the
atmosphere as if Gen.Patton was
coming down to kick butt.It was
truly amazing after all the hard
work the General didn't show up
in our section..Consequently, the only time we saw the Gen.was at the Peden Barracks airport where we were in formation for review.Yup, he looked everybit of Gen. standing tall and proud in
his jeep.Without question we looked
very sharp too in our dress uniform
wearing the scarlet artillery scarf.I will never forget that
moment in my service at Peden.
Going Home,Shortimer(Peden Barracks)
We all went through the ritual of
a "shortimer".It was very hard on
those who just arrived in the unit
to hear someone yell,"shortimer,just 2 days".
I was going nuts myself with 2 mos.
to go and counting.Finally the day
arrived, finished packing and ready
to leave.I was experiencing litany of emotions overjoyed and
yet saddened about leaving my friends behind.Indeed,I was going to miss Germany but it was time to go. I definitely was not going to stay in the army and needed to move on with my life. Lastly, I never seen so many happy faces on the Boeing 707 including depend-
I served at Peden Barracks from March, 1966 to March, 1966. I was a platoon leader, company commander and personnel officer in the 34th Medical Bn. It was a great tour of duty, almost like living in a small town.. I'll never forget the day JFK was assassinated. We all thought we were going yo war. I still remember the 35th Arty Bn and their 8" track howitzers going on alert.
Peden Barracks,Wertheim
I served about the same time as the
previous writer l966-67 and second
the motion that P.B. was like a
small town.We had all amenities including dentist,library, theater and so forth.Also, because the post was isolated I did go stir
crazy and took every opportunity
to travel mostly to the Bavarian &
Austrian Alps.To this day I had my
best moments there.
I was at Peden Barracks from August 1969 until February 1971. I remember arriving in Wertheim on the train. I was the only GI. Some guy picked me up & away I went. I loved the town of Wertheim. It was awesome. I'd go down twice a month for beer & wiener schnitzel. The highlight of a poor soldiers month. I bought a 56 VW with another guy, Mark Oberson, we paid $200 for it & drove all over Germany when we could. I was the personnel clerk with Service Battery, 35th FA. I got married while in the Service in Germany, met a girl in Grossheubach, she lived near there. I have been back many times & will drive by Peden Barracks, it is now an apartment complex for Russians, etc. I am looking for some of my old Army buddies. From Rick Ortenburger
Looking for anyone who might have sevred at Peden Barracks around the timeframe of 1958 to 1960. I am looking for someone who might have known my Uncle, Sgt Wilber C Griffin. Please feel free to email me at mg3964@yahoo.com.
Hi, my name is Vincent Donofrio and I was stationed at Peden Barracks from March 1967 thru Sept. 1968. I was the Morning Report clerk for Headquarters battery. I lived off post with my wife. My son John was born over there at the U.S Army Hospital in Frankfurt. I bought an old 1949 VW Beetle and my wife and I went everwhere with it. We had a good time over there. Although she is passed now, I would still love to revisit the old place. Although it is no longer a military post I would still like to see it. I have some photos and when I find them I will try to post them on this site. If anyone remembers me from those years you can reach me by e-mail at pappilee51@aol.com. I would like to hear from you.
I have many pics from the 1st and 67th arty, from 1969. many from a football game with enlisted and officers, plus from road trips with CMMI team members. If interested, contact me leevmealone@rocketmail.com
did lots or photography and lab work in photolab in uso bldg. Barracks across from EM club.
My name is Ralph Pate I was stationed at Peden BARRACKS 1960-1963. I was assigned to the 655 Med AMB CO. I wonder if anyone ever repaired the hole in the fence behind the officers club. My e-mail 2702368008@att.net I would like to hear from someone that was there from 1960-1963.
My name is David Usry . I was station at Peden from 67-68 with 1st Missile Battalion 67th Artillery.Nov. 68 i got orders to Vietnam. I was a switchboard operator.My e-mail is davidvfw@yahoo.com
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