Monday, December 8, 2008

Service Battery, AmmoSection, 3/35th FA 1962

A group stationed at Peden in the early 60s continues to send each other (and me) lots of pics. Here's a great one from the year I was born!

Names as he recalls them:

Top Row - from the left:

Paul Meunier, (Boston, Mass.) Pat McMath, (Detroit, Mich) Amador Rodriguez, (Brownsville, Tx)

Bottom Row from the Left:

(lighting cig) Bill Campbell (?), John Dietrich, (Detroit, Mich) Gary Frazier, (Baltimore, MD), Butch Watkins, (New Jersey) Bob Jacobs, (Nebraska)
Chester Center, (Hamilton, Ohio) (peeking behind Chester) Henry Todd, (Kentucky)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3/4 ton truck,a wonderful vehicle
It wasn't pretty,"boxy" but funct-
ional.Other words it was great ut-
ility vehicle for field trips(pull-
ing trailers),Graf. and running er-
rants both authorized and unauthor-
ized.Also, I noticed the 'train en-
gineer caps' in the pic.During my
time on the hill we wore the base-
ball caps. a fashion statement in
keeping with change.Note, we never
engaged in the great American
pastime of playing baseball at
Peden Barracks.Getting back to the
subject matter 3/4 ton truck,relia-
ble and practical, always a friend
to the soldier.