In the Fall of 86 (if memory serves) a buddy of mine who was a pilot with Big Windy had a reason to come to Wertheim and then up to Wurzburg. He asked if I wanted to go along which I did so that I could get some pics from above. These two are of the 3/35 FA track park, as well as a broader view of Peden Barracks. In the lower pic you can see my car in the foreground, something I don't think I'd ever noticed until scanning these pics.
Now is it me, or does the Bravo line look just a bit more squared away than those of Alpha and Charlie? :) M
Great Pics!
These are quality air shots as
they capture panorama view of the
3/35the track park,Peden Barracks
and Wertheim.After serving at Peden
this is my first view of the track
park.It is strange for not venturing out to the track area
and I believe I did visit the 72nd
F/A motor pool(my unit) once.It may
have been off limits (3/35th track area)for us, not sure.Now back to
the pics the top photo is a great
shot; the only blemish are those
regretable high rise blds.
In brief these pics bring back
memories of life at Peden Barracks
(mostly pleasant) and the beauty
of Wertheim.
Wow!! On the track park pics, my HEMTT was the one in the top right corner (Bravo 53). In the other picture, at the lower left you'll see the impound lot. Almost dead center of the impound lot, you'll see a brown with tan top heap of rubble. That was my 77 Nova I bought from SFC Freidburg (Gunny, B/3/35), and flipped end over end. WOW! I can almost feel my feet getting colder walking up to the track park to start all the engines with Coomer, Foster, Kimball, McDonald, McKenzie, or others. WOW!! Thanks for posting this! Jimmy Warning (Ammo/B/3/35FA, 86-88)
Amazing! I can see my HEMTT (B53), and the brown and tan Nova that I so carelessly wrecked (sitting in the impound lot, lower left of the second pic) WOW! Thanks for posting these! Jim Warning (SPC/Ammo Section/ B. Btry/ 3/35 FA 86-88)
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